Group Facilitation

We specialize in group facilitation that advances the knowledge of organizations and communities and moves them forward through thoughtful insights and creative engagement methods. We are careful to match our unique methods to specific audiences to gain maximum participation and build excitement and momentum for a project in order to reach sustainable decisions and innovative solutions. Our work ranges in scale from understanding the nuances of individual journeys in one-on-one interviews to facilitating large scale workshops with a diverse range of perspectives and experiences.

Our Competencies

Creating collaborative client relationships

Planning appropriate group processes

Creating and sustaining a participatory environment

Guiding a group to appropriate and useful outcomes

Building and maintaining professional knowledge

Modelling positivity and integrity

Digital Meetings

We can help you define your purpose in connecting with the people important to you, design the best platform and tools to achieve our objectives, facilitate meaningful conversations and dialogue, report back on key themes, trends, findings, opinions.

PLAN – define project purpose and objectives; research your audience; develop outreach strategy

DESIGN – develop platforms and techniques; prepare materials; test and re-design

ENGAGE – launch strategy; facilitate digital meetings and activities; listen

REPORT – collect, code, and analyze data; define key themes; prepare summary report

How Can We Help?

  • Create engaging agendas and meaningful processes
  • Increase group participation and productivity
  • Encourage group creativity
  • Enable groups to reach decisions
  • Generate positive interaction