- Client:
Town of Oakville
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Jodi worked closely with a team of consultants, the Oakville Age-Friendly Committee, Town of Oakville Staff, and a full range of stakeholders to develop the Town’s first Age-Friendly Baseline Study. Jodi designed a robust community-wide survey, as well as planned and facilitated a series of interviews and focus groups, intercept interviews with local residents, and world café-style workshop. Results from this work were compiled into a baseline report for the Town to determine next steps in becoming more age-friendly.
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J Consulting Group completed a 5-Year Strategic Plan for Fairmount Home; a long-term care home located in Glenburnie, a small rural community of Ontario, and operated by the County of Frontenac. As part of the planning process, Jodi conducted an environmental scan, needs assessment, and facilitated a range of engagement activities with stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement activities included interviews with key staff and community partners; focus groups with residents, family members, members of County Council, staff, and volunteers; a staff survey; and broad stakeholder workshop. The outcome of these activities was a refreshed vision for Fairmont Home, and new guidance to the organization in its direction, priorities and key decision making over the next five-years.
"Fairmount Home, a licensed long-term care home, contracted J Consulting Group to update our strategic plan. Jodi was professional in engaging our key stakeholders, which included various councils, residents, staff and volunteers. The information that she gathered was informative and presented clearly and concisely. The proposed mission, vision and values reflected our home. Jodi also identified key strategic action items, which will be our focus in the coming years. We value Jodi’s professionalism, expertise and cooperation and would highly recommend J Consulting Group.” Lisa Hirvi, Administrator, Fairmount Home.
- Client:
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
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Working with a consulting team comprised of the University of Toronto Balance of Care Group, Snyder Architects and SHS Consulting, on behalf of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Jodi led the team to prepare content for an updated, web-based, Housing Options for Persons Living with Dementia Guide. The Guide is aimed at providing information and guidance, through a web-based platform, to individuals living with dementia and their caregivers, and to operators and providers of housing for persons with dementia. Jodi facilitated online consultations with providers and operators of existing community-based housing for persons living with dementia across the country, with caregivers of persons living with dementia, and with people living with dementia themselves. The Guide was developed using a conceptual framework informed by a person-centered care philosophy.
- Client:
Town of Oakville
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- Year:
The overall purpose of the Older Adult Service Review and Strategy was to examine the full range of program and services for older adults in Oakville and to develop a vision with sustainable recommendations to position the Town to respond to the changing needs, diversity and trends of an aging population. J Consulting Group led a series of consultation activities aimed at identifying current and future program needs, preferences and gaps within the existing service model.
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Municipality of Chatham-Kent
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The importance of providing safe, appropriate, and accessible care for our seniors is vital to the health and wellbeing of our communities. The senior care sector in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent has been experiencing several challenges related to the recruitment and retention of senior care staff. Because of these challenges, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, Employment and Social Services, and Riverview Gardens in partnership with the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board engaged Jodi Ball, J Consulting Group, to research and provide recommendations regarding the challenges encompassing the recruitment and retention of staff in senior homes and residential care organizations. The final report put forward several opportunities to address the challenges related to four broad themes: Resources, Work Environment, Education & Training, and Promotion & Outreach.
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Long-term care homes such as Riverview Gardens in Chatham Ontario, have a vital role in meeting the housing and support needs of an aging population. An important component of the housing continuum, long-term care homes provide medical and nursing care, and a wide-range of support services for people who are no longer able to live independently in the community. To provide guidance to Riverview Gardens, J Consulting Group was retained to re-establish and refresh the vision of Riverview Gardens and provide new guidance to the organization in its direction, priorities and key decision making over the next five-years. As part of this process, J Consulting Group conducted a needs assessment and policy review as well as facilitated engagement activities with a range of stakeholders including staff, volunteers, clients, families, funders, and partners. A Road Map to Excellence sets out a new vision, mission, values, four strategic goals and targeted actions to achieve desired outcomes.
- Client:
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
- Project Status:
- Year:
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Following the release of the Senior Care Research Project, J Consulting Group partnered with Addrenaline Media to create a video series highlighting various careers in senior care in Chatham-Kent.