Community Investment Strategy, Program Review

Client: York Region
Project Status: complete
Year: 2017

J Consulting Group, in association with Vink Consulting, worked with the Region of York to research the efficacy and best approach for the York Region Community Investment Strategy: a community funding program for not-for-profit agencies to deliver services to low and moderate income York Region residents. Core activities included a review of the current program and logic model, a best practice review of community funding programs, a review of current literature and regional strategies, and various engagement activities with funded and non-funded community agencies, other funders, and regional staff. The review resulted in the development of a renewed model for administering the funding process to the community. 

Design and Facilitation of Community Engagement Sessions

Client: North Bay Public Health Unit
Project Status: complete
Year: 2019

As part of the Vink team, J Consulting Group worked with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, to design and facilitate a series of workshops aimed at bringing a range of stakeholders together to identify and co-create solutions to improve health services, and increase the use of these services, among people who are homeless in North Bay.  To achieve this goal, three distinct iterative community engagement sessions were held.  These sessions were facilitated using a co-design approach.  Several methods and tools were incorporated into the co-design process including group brainstorming, prototyping, and road mapping. The workshops resulted in the identification of eight solutions for collective action.

Frontenac County Paramedic Services Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Project Status: complete

Frontenac Paramedics serve over 150,000 residents across the County of Frontenac and City of Kingston. The service responds to approximately 22,000 calls per year in both rural and urban environments and incorporates both Primary and Advanced Care Paramedics. J Consulting Group facilitated a strategic planning process that built on the initial direction set out in the organizations’ first Plan (2005), while providing a renewed vision, guiding principles, and actions to guide future direction and decision making for Frontenac Paramedic Services over a five-year period. “A Collective Path is about defining who we are, what we value, where we want to be and how we will achieve our shared vision”.  A Collective Path was prepared in conjunction with a branding initiative conducted by Jon Allison Design and Avenue Strategy.


“Jodi’s welcoming and straightforward facilitation style provided our organization with the leadership required to guide the development of our first strategic plan. Jodi listened closely to our needs and vision for the future and provided us with a strategic framework to achieve our goals.” – Paul J. Charbonneau, Chief Paramedic/Director Emergency and Transportation Services, County of Frontenac

Mid-Scarborough Hub Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Project Status: complete

J Consulting Group, in partnership with Vink Consulting worked with the Mid-Scarborough Community Hub to develop their first inter-agency strategic plan. The consultants worked closely with the hub agencies and staff to understand how the collaborative was working together and then co-created a framework for developing the strategic plan. Activities included conducting background analysis of current partnership arrangements, interviews with other hub managers, and leading intercept interviews with community residents and hub clients. A full day ‘Love My Hub’ workshop was conducted which brought together a diverse range of stakeholders and residents to visualize and set the strategic direction of the Mid-Scarborough Hub. The Strategic Plan resulted in a shared vision, mission, values, goals, and actions to achieve the four strategic goals.

Physical Literacy Program Team Evaluation Stakeholder Consultations

Client: Community Development Halton
Project Status: complete
Year: 2017

J Consulting Group was retained by Community Development Halton to conduct qualitative analysis of the Physical Literacy Project.  A series of engagement activities were designed, planned and facilitated to hear from parents/caregivers, staff, partners, and children attending the programs.  Using a photovoice engagement technique, children were engaged in the process through drawing and sharing their experiences in the program.  Findings from the consultations formed part of the program evaluation. 

Vaughan Community Health Centre Strategic Plan 2019-2023

Project Status: complete

J Consulting Group, in partnership with Vink Consulting, worked closely with the Vaughan Community Health Centre (VCHC) Staff and Board to prepare a renewed direction for the organization. The strategic planning process began with a full Board retreat to launch planning processes. The process also included an environmental scan, and meaningful community engagement process including key internal and external stakeholders. Activities included a series of surveys with clients, volunteers, students, partners, and funders; focus groups with both clients and staff; and workshops for the VCHC Board of Directors. These activities led to the development of a Strategic Plan that outlined a shared vision, mission, values, and strategic directions. This work also included the development of implementation plan prepared in collaboration with the Board.

Vulnerable Tenant Research Study

Client: Canadian Mental Health Association Sudbury-Manitoulin
Project Status: complete
Year: 2016

This study was aimed at identifying the needs and challenges facing social housing tenants across the North East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) geographic area, and to work with stakeholders to identify strategies and solutions to these challenges.  The study included a comprehensive literature review, gap analysis, comprehensive stakeholder engagement process and final research report.  As part of the consultation strategy, several community engagement initiatives were undertaken including in-person focus groups with housing providers and community stakeholders, in-person and telephone interviews, web-based focus groups, questionnaires for housing providers, community agencies, and social housing tenants, and a full day ‘think-tank’ with various levels of government, housing providers, and service agencies. The study included community engagement across five hub regions, noting unique needs of each area while also highlighted broad regional trends and gaps.  A final research report was prepared and submitted to the NE LHIN and its partners including recommendations on a service delivery system.  Working with a multi-organization consulting team, Jodi was the Project Manager for this study, consultation lead, and the lead author in the final report and recommendations.